Sensei Shawn Steiner

Wesley Ferrel

Niki Mahoney

Marty Andersen

Brad Andersen

Pete Starr

Chalee ANN


Your self-improvement is our goal.

what They’re Saying

Client Testimonials

My plan to begin martial arts was to have my son trained in techniques/ principles to defend himself in an ever increasingly dangerous world.
I decided to take classes with him and it has been one of my best decisions. My son at age 11 was scared going into the first class.
At the end of that class, he looked up at me and said, “Can we do this stuff, I love this stuff.” That boy is now age 21 and has achieved the rank
of 2nd degree black belt at the Steiner Academy of Martial Arts.
The foundation martial arts style is Shaolin Kempo. But Sensei Steiner has
opened the philosophy to the basics of “what ever works in self defense.” Students are taught techniques against punches, grabs, knives, guns and clubs. Additionally, Sensei Steiner has contacts with martial artists across the country and has included pressure point fighting techniques and grappling (ground fighting), along with sparring in order to provide a well-rounded experience. Sensei even holds Citizen Handgun Training classes
for those interested. One of the most important and personally rewarding aspects of studying under Sensei Steiner is that practical self defense tactics are taught and various scenarios are discussed to engage the student’s mind and awareness.
One unique opportunity is Budo Camp. This is a Friday night – Sunday afternoon camp where instructors from around the country come to a camp just
south of Omaha to teach aspects of their arts. It is an amazing way to get exposure to different arts/styles/philosophies in a concentrated time-frame and anyone who has attended has raved about it and shows up the next year.
This is open to any martial artist across the country and usually is attended by students of both coasts, the midwest and southwest.
I am one of the oldest students and at age 55 achieved my 1st degree black belt. If I did not realize the high standards of instruction and broad opportunities presented at Steiner Academy of Martial Arts, I would not have put in 10 years of effort and still my training continues. Many people want to “find themselves” and I can tell you that the study of martial arts is a valid path towards self- discovery. This training has boosted my confidence, challenged old ways of thinking, improved my physical/mental health, instilled a sense of commitment towards earning goals and provided a venue to develop friendships with many high quality people. Knowing what I know now about Sensei Steiner and the multitude of unique experiences
afforded at our school, I would be signing up again. As an older man with not much range of motion at my hips, the Kempo training of primarily arm/hand techniques fit my abilities wonderfully.
Accommodations are made for different types of physical limitations that still allows even the over-40 year-olds to gain significant benefits of training while limiting risk of injury.
Entering into martial arts is a way to see what you are made of. The training is not easy, but definitely worth the effort physically and mentally. It is a way to improve coordination, balance, strength, grace of movement and speed of movement. I view martial arts similar to the way I think about swimming: it is a fun activity in itself, but under the right circumstances it can be a life-saving skill.
I encourage anyone reading my thoughts to please visit the school and talk with Sensei Steiner and the students to gain a better sense of the quality of this instruction and what it can provide you. Typically, Sensei will allow anyone interested in martial arts to take a free class so they can make a better informed decision.
Kip Burkman

“It is a privilege to practice with the many amazing people who make up the community of martial artists at this dojo. I have learned many things while training in self-defense at the Steiner Academy of Martial Arts. However, none of them come as difficult for me as the physical aspect. I could have many excuses not to try martial arts: I can’t learn physically, my body doesn’t move that way, I’m out of shape, this is too hard, everyone else is better than me and I keep practicing wrong. But there is one reason I have not given up on myself. Training in martial arts at Steiner Academy is many things, but the one most important to me is that I’m not just learning how to conquer an opponent, but I’m learning how to conquer myself, my doubts, my fears and insecurities. Sensei Steiner and the instructors at the Academy believe that they are not only shaping amazing martial artists but amazing people. So no matter your excuse, I encourage you to give Steiner Academy of Martial Arts an opportunity to help you discover your doubts, fears and insecurities because in discovering them you also discover the opportunity to conquer them all.” -Jennie Noeline (Google Reviews)
J. Noeline

Sensei Steiner is a superior teacher.
I joined Steiner Academy of Martial Arts in April. Being a 36 year old female with very little athletic ability, I was apprehensive about joining a martial arts program. When I called, I was assured that I would be able to learn. I visited for one session and decided to join.
It was one of the best things I have ever done for myself. I have learned many lessons about self defense, but the lessons I have learned about surpassing my expectations of myself have been greater in number and in scope. Sensei Steiner and the other instructors have been there for me every step of the way.
Steiner Academy of Martial Arts has not only changed my view of myself, but it has also made me a more confident person. Sensei Steiner’s teachings have enabled me to go above and beyond what I believed were my limitations. My intentions were to learn more about self defense. What I have received in return is a better way of life. Come to the dojo, and you will see what I mean.